
Comedy for a Cause Sponsorship Opportunities

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Comedy for a Cause Sponsorship Opportunities

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Comedy for a Cause Sponsorship Opportunities

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Comedy for a Cause Sponsorship Opportunities

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Building Twentyone Invites You to Partner With Us

Platinum Sponsor: $5000

10 guest reservations – Live or virtual

-Includes VIP backstage party and gift for all guests 

Logo/Name on all event materials, scrolling website banner, and social media materials before and after event

Recognition on Building Twentyone homepage

Banner displayed on stage during & after event

Event sponsor video 

Recognition throughout the event


Comedy Stage Sponsor: $2500

8 guest reservations – Live or virtual

-Includes VIP backstage party and gift for all guests 

Logo/Name on all event materials, scrolling website banner, and social media materials before and after event 

Banner displayed on stage 

Event sponsor video 

Recognition throughout the event 


Gold Sponsor: $1000

6 guest reservations – live or virtual

-Includes VIP backstage party 

Event sponsor video 

Recognition throughout the event and on tables 

Mention on social media


Silver Sponsor: $500

4 guest reservations – Live or virtual

-Includes VIP backstage party 

Logo/name on event program and website 

Recognition throughout the event  

Mention on social media


Friendship Sponsor: $250

2 Live event or virtual tickets

Logo/name on event program and website 

Mention on social media

Recognition throughout the event


VIP Sponsor: $125

Single Live or Virtual Event ticket

Name on event program and website 

Mention on social media


In-Kind Donations:

Mention on social media 

Donations valued over $250 will be given 1 live/virtual event ticket and mentioned on our website and event materials 


Thank you so much for your support of Building Twentyone. Through your kind generosity, we have the ability to create a positive youth culture in our community, giving students opportunities to develop life changing values and virtues, while coaching them to incite their passion and purpose so our students become socially, morally, emotionally, physically and cognitively competent before the age of 21.

Register for sponsorship below:

Click HERE for Printable Sponsorship Form

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1288 N Cedar Rd Mason, MI 48854