What is happening at the next Friday Night Live?
Our next Friday Night Live is February 14th!✨
Join us for Decked in Denim! Dress in your best denim outfit and sing your favorite songs during karaoke! The most creative use of denim will even get a prize.
We’ll have tons of food and activities for you and your friends. We’ll see you then!
What is Friday Night Live?
Friday Night Live (FNL) is a hangout time at B21!
This is a FREE event! There will be food and beverages available for purchase.
These nights are for any student from 6th-12th grade. You do NOT have to be a member to attend. It is a great time to kick off your weekend with your friends in a fun and safe environment!
*If you are a member, bring your membership card to Building 21 and get a free item at every Friday Night Live!*
When do these happen??
Friday Night Live takes place on the second Friday of every month.
These events will take place from 7-10pm at Building 21’s campus (with the exception of special FNL’s that my run at different times).