
5 Tips to End Your School Year Well

First of all, CONGRATS on making it to the end of the school year!

Seriously. We are so proud of you. The past couple of years have been incredibly challenging in about a hundred different ways. We are proud of you for pushing through, for showing up, and for truly doing your best. We know it has not been easy to be a student in these times-but please know your hard work counts for something.

Here’s a few tips to end the 2021-2022 school year well:

1.) PREPARE. If you have tests or assignments that seem overwhelming to do, do not fear. You can do them and do them well. Write them all out on a calendar, or even just a piece of paper, and tackle them one by one. Break up your study times to a certain amount of time a day. For example, study for 30 minutes a day on your science test. Then, study for 30 minutes on your math test. Also, do not try to accomplish a dozen things at once. Focus on one thing, then move to the next.

2.) REST. This one is vitally important. And when I say “rest” I do not mean just sleep your life away. I mean take time away from social media, from your school assignments, and do something that is restful for you. This could be playing a game with your family. This could be laying in bed and listening to music. This could even be coming to Building 21 and playing some ping pong. Overall, calm your mind and remember to have fun.

3.) EAT. Eat good meals, friends. Do not eat ramen twice a day and call it good. Fuel your body with some real food. It helps with tiredness, productivity, and overall health. Do not underestimate the power of a few good meals!

4.) MINDSET. So many times I have told myself I cannot do something. How you speak to yourself matters! Changing your mindset from, “I can’t do this” to, “This is temporary. I am smart, I am intelligent, and I can do this” can change everything. I promise you that you CAN do the things that might seem impossible (and I’m not just talking about school assignments). Life can be insanely challenging. School can be insanely challenging. But if you change your mindset and the way you speak to yourself, I promise you can do hard things. You will come out the other side stronger.

5.) SUMMER. Remember, all of this is temporary. Do not get worked up about something that will be over in a few weeks. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can do hard things. Summer is right around the corner and you have a couple months before you have to think about an assignment again. Everything under the sun is temporary-including these tests and assignments. Remember you are working towards having a restful and fun summer where you don’t have to worry about your grades. So finish with intentionality and grit.

You’ve got this. And we are so insanely proud of you. Finish well.

-The B21 Team

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